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Special to IIUM Staff and Students

Special to IIUM Staff and Students
Anion Sanitary Napkins is the first and only hygienic antibacterial sanitary pad in the market today. The negative ion chip in each napkin releases large amount of oxygen, has a balanced PH level and enhances hormonal balance that effectively improves incretion, strengthening immunity, reducing stress, eliminating vaginal infection, bacteria, treating inflammation, eliminates odor, removing fatigue and last but not least, providing comfort during menstrual period

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The miraculous Anions, Allah creatures " Keajaiban Anions ciptaan Allah"

can release up to 6070 anion/cm^3

boleh mengeluarkan sehingga 6070 Anion/cm^3"


Every cubic cm. of the anionic padding in each piece of "Love Moon" sanitary napkin
can release up to 6070 anions. The intensity of anions released will effectively suppress
the survivaland multiplication of bacteria and viruses on the sanitary napkin.

"Setiap sentimeter padu di dalam setiap tuala wanita "Love Moon" mampu mengeluarkan
6070 anion. Keamatan anion ini boleh menyekat pertumbuhan bakteria dan virus pada
tuala wanita tersebut."

The anionic padding release large amount of oxygen, has a balanced pH level and enhance
hormonal balance that effectively improve incretion, strengthening immunity, reducing stress,
eliminating bacteria terating inflammation, eradicating odour, removing fatique and etc.

"Pad Anion juga boleh membebaskan oksigen yang banyak mempunyai pH yang seimbang
dan menggalakkan metabolisme yang memberi kesan seperti memperbaiki rembesan,
memperkuatkan keimunan, mengurangkan tekanan, membasmi bau busuk,
menyingkirkan kelesuan dan sebagainya."

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